Image search results - "olaf thomas olsen 5th infantry"
Olaf Thomas Olsen255 viewsKnown as Tommy, killed in action March 11, 1970. in the Republic of Vietnam. While in Vietnam he earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign, Vietnam Gallanty Cross, and Vietnam Civil Action Medals
Tommy Olsen Park208 viewsAugust 28, 2004, Veterns Park District dedicates a newly renovated park in the name of Olaf "Tommy" Olsen, killed in action March 11th, 1970.
5th Infantry Wreath201 viewsThis wreath was laid representing the 5th Infantry Chapter and all Bobcats of the 5th Infantry Regiment in Honor of one of our very own Tommy Olsen
Presentation of the Colors148 viewsAmerican legion Post Northlake 888 and Franklin Park 974 present the colors.
Opening Prayer Pastor Stephen Swanson244 viewsL - R Thomas D. Olson (VPD Treasurer), Denise Knox (VPD Vice President), Donna Waller (widow), Lee Olsen (sister) Sandy Olsen (sister) Donna Peluso (VPD Executive Director) Pastor Stephan Swanson, Ronald E. Glick (VPD President), Ronald M. Serpico (Mayor of Melrose Park) Len Gassmann (VPD Secretary) Randy Kethcart (B Company 1970)
Ronald E. Glick164 viewsVeterans Park Distict President is the first speaker and welcomes a crowd of close to 200 people
Len Gassmann213 viewsLen Gassmann one of Tommy's best friends and Secretary of the Veteran's Park District speaks. Len saw a dream come true in naming the park after Tommy
Randy Kethcart B Company 1970219 viewsRandy speaks representing the 5th Infantry Chapter of the 25th Infantry Division Assn. Randy was from Tommy's unit
Presenting Battalion Challenge Coins391 viewsRandy Kethcart presenting Tommy's widow Donna Waller and sisters Lee and Sandy Olsen a Battalion Challenge Coin and a copy of the Michelin Rubber Plantation Battle on March 6th, 1970 when Tommy earned his Silver Star
Presenting Battalion Challenge Coins207 viewsRandy Kethcart presenting Tommy's good friend Len Gassmann a Battalion Challenge Coin and a copy of the Michelin Rubber Plantation Battle on March 6th, 1970 when Tommy earned his Silver Star
Donna Waller260 viewsTommy's widow Donna Waller speaks of Tommy and thanks all that were involved renovating and naming the park after Tommy
Shirley "Lee" Olsen146 viewsTommy's sister Lee asks that every one close their eyes and remember their favorite memory of Tommy