339 viewsAfter a period of 170-days, a division record, so we were told, we returned to our main base camp. The company paused in this rice paddy to tie unit-identifying pennants to our radio antennas prior to entering Cu Chi. In the foreground is Plt. Sgt. Cattrell, 2d Platoon, Charlie Company.
482 viewsTran Ngoc Bich, whose name means The Emerald of the Tran Family, outside the mess hall at Dau Tieng where she worked. While I was recuperating from my last wound, we became close friends. When I left Vietnam, she accompanied me to the air strip to say good-bye, the only person to do so. We corresponded for several years after I returned home.
300 viewsThe village of Cu Chi from the .50 caliber machinge gun turret on the top of a track. Note machine gun barrel. With its dirt road, modest hootches, and plentiful women and children, Cu Chi was a typical village. Nearby is the main base camp for the 25th Infantry Division.