Washington D. C. Trip


It was a cold, rainy, snowy, sleety day but we endured to the end with General Anderson & Doc Cotta on point, we had a chance to see The Inuguration, The Wall, and some good dinners at The Officers Club at Fort Myer, Virginia and Tivolis Restuarant, probably the best restaurant in the DC area.
Ron Henry

General Andy Anderson

Ron Henry

L-R, Ron Henry, Bob Wood, Ray Barrett, Elizabeth Barrett, Andy Anderson, Shannon Henry, taken at the Officers Club, Ft. Myer, Virginia

L-R, Andy Anderson, Shannon Henry, Ron Henry, Bob Wood, 
Elizabeth Barrett, Ray Barrett, Bruce Cotta, Jan Cotta, 
Taken at Tivoli's - A GREAT Restaurant.

Bruce Cotta

The new statue at The Vietnam Memorial "The Wall"

President George W. Bush at The Inaugural Ball

President George W. Bush at The Inaugural Ball