Vietnam Veterans' War Stories! is pleased to present A Year On The Jumpin' Jack  the War Stories Top Site Award in recognition of excellence and support of Vietnam Veterans world wide.

I have visited your site and I just wanted to let you know that your site is deserving of some recognition. Therefore I am Honored to present you with Down~Unders Top Vet Site Awards. The graphic part that is the cage was a cage 3’x3’x3’, and was left at the Wall and is now housed at the Mueseum of American History in Washington, D.C.. This is just to let you know that I appreciate all that you are doing for our Brothers and Sisters and that you are deserving of these awards.
Thank-You!! I have also added you to my links site and thank you for the ink you have made to mine. Stay Strong Brother!
Sometimes we wonder who the lucky ones really are!
Welcome Home
Steve Quigley

To Qualify for the "CADET ORDER OF HONOR" Award

Your Website must be:

1. Patriotic in it's theme
2. Reflect Love of Country
3. Show Support and Concern for the Military
4. Show Support and Concern for Veterans
This Award cannot be applied for.
It is awarded by the Owner of this Website to those who have Earned it.
It is with the greatest of pride and  gratitude that the "Cadet Order of
Honor" is bestowed on the webste, "A YEAR ON THE JUMPIN' JACK ", this 9th day of
October in the year of 1997.

    Scott A. Tackett Sr.


               To all whom these presents shall come
           Know ye, that I, confiding in the outstanding
             "A Year On The Jumpin' Jack"
do as of this date, 2 November, in the year of our Lord
          one thousand nineteen hundred and ninety seven
               and of the great Independence of the
                   "United States of America"
               the two hundred and twenty first year
             bestow upon the above named "Patriot" with
             great pride for the exceptional display of
                     "Outstanding Patriotism"
                              this Award
                            Presented by:
                         Al Varelas - USMC
                          Vietnam Veteran
                        26th Marine Regiment
                        Khe Sanh Combat Base
                     Republic of South Vietnam
                     Keep up the good work

I'm attaching a little graphic as a small token of my appreciation for your service to our country and for your wonderful pages on the web showing others the meaning of the Vietnam Veteran. These little graphics aren't much of a thank you compared to what many saw during their tours but there are many of us out here who are grateful to be a part of this elite brotherhood. I for one am proud to know each and every one of you.
Thanks brother...
God bless and Welcome Home!!!

Please except my Honor Award
 For serving our country, with Honor and Integrity!
 May God Bless You!

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